Join me for a private writing, energy work, or spiritual life coaching session, designed especially for you.

Four one-hour Private Sessions with Valley.

We all need accountability, structure, and support to move forward in our writing journeys. If you would like feedback, encouragement, help removing writing blocks, or structure creation, I would love to help you bring your writing to life. Invest in 4 private sessions to help take your writing project to the next level! This 4-session package applies to Life Writing sessions and may be used in-person, virtually, or a combination of both.

Writing from Life: Accessing the Story Within

“A  non-writing writer is a monster courting madness,” –Franz Kafka

Sometimes we need a gentle shove in the write direction. If you are interested in one-on-one guidance on getting started, finding the heart of your material, translating your idea onto the page or continuing a work in progress, a one-on-one session might be just right for you. One-on-ones are available in 60nminute sessions and include reading and feedback of up to 20 pages of text before or after each session.

1 hr $120 // 4 1-hour sessions $450

Inner Fire: Transformational Energy Work + Writing

“It’s not about acknowledging the miraculous in the seemingly mundane but it is about actually experiencing the miraculous of the mundane.” —Joan Parisi Wilcox

Energy work and writing combine to create a super-charged container for healing. In this interactive Reiki, writing, and sharing session we will work with the information revealed by your subconscious to bring about the highest available release for your well-being.  Each session is specially designed to suit your unique needs and are available for 60 minutes.

1 hr $120 // 4 1-hour sessions: $450

Act II: Dharma Coaching

*All private sessions can be used in conjunction with other healing modalities but should not be used as replacements for therapy, medical treatment, or 12-step recovery.

If you’re a first-time student or client, please schedule a 20-minute discovery call with me so we can decide if we’ll be a good fit working together. I look forward to chatting with you!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • This is up to you! We can meet in my studio in Richmond, Virginia or online on zoom. If we’re at my house, prepare to recieve a joyous greeting from the dogs and a lukewarm reception from the cats!

  • A private session is designed especially for you. We will set intentions, create goals, and design our time together.

  • This is entirely up to you! It is 100% ok come as you are. Or, you may choose to do some writing or meditation to get centered before we meet. Do what feels best to you.

  • If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, kindly give 48 hours notice. This notice must be by email or text, and be sent within 48 hours of the start of your scheduled appointment time. Please give your calendar a thorough look before scheduling, and reserve re-scheduling for emergencies only. You will forfeit your session if you cancel or need to reschedule within the 48 hour period. This policy is to ensure efficient scheduling for all clients. Extenuating circumstances will of course be taken into consideration. Thank you!