Dynamic one-on-one spiritual soul-searching coaching and writing sessions to help you find your path and unearth the truest, realist, most authentic you.

Act II: Dharma Coaching

Illuminating the True You


In the cocoon phase of metamorphosis.
Done with a particular career, experiencing an empty nest, facing retirement or simmering with existential unrest.
Feel like everything is changing or nothing is changing, and you want it to. Need someone to ask the right questions to unearth the answers buried inside.

You are ready. You are willing. You have the courage to try.

I AM...

An empathic writing teacher, spiritual coach, and intuitive guide passionate
about helping people trust the wisdom rising up from within.
A risk taker, who has worked independently in the creative arts for the past 20 years.
An author, sacred circle leader, and lifelong s
A writer who has begun every aspect of her life on the page.


Work together to discover your dharma—your path of rightness—your unique soul purpose through a series of questions, prompts, and guided visualizations.
Tap into the brilliance of your subconscious.
Create rituals to access your intuition and give you tools for the journey.
Write affirmations designed to change the neural pathways in your brain.
Use your imagination to bridge between your current story
and the one that comes next.

Online or in-person options available.

Email valley@valleyhaggard.com for packaging details, and to schedule!
I would love to work with you.