The Halfway House for Writers


This handbook is for writers who are afraid to begin and writers who have begun but are afraid to continue. This handbook is for anyone haunted by writing, writers who long to write but fear it, writers who are afraid to call themselves writers. This handbook is the culmination of recurring themes and threads that have arisen in my writing classes again and again and the process by which my students and I have begun to recover from our crippling, debilitating, and false beliefs.

This handbook is a guide to rehabilitation for wounded writers.

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This handbook is for writers who are afraid to begin and writers who have begun but are afraid to continue. This handbook is for anyone haunted by writing, writers who long to write but fear it, writers who are afraid to call themselves writers. This handbook is the culmination of recurring themes and threads that have arisen in my writing classes again and again and the process by which my students and I have begun to recover from our crippling, debilitating, and false beliefs.

This handbook is a guide to rehabilitation for wounded writers.

This handbook is for writers who are afraid to begin and writers who have begun but are afraid to continue. This handbook is for anyone haunted by writing, writers who long to write but fear it, writers who are afraid to call themselves writers. This handbook is the culmination of recurring themes and threads that have arisen in my writing classes again and again and the process by which my students and I have begun to recover from our crippling, debilitating, and false beliefs.

This handbook is a guide to rehabilitation for wounded writers.

Surrender Your Weapons: Writing to Heal
There's No Accounting for the Strangeness of Things