There's No Accounting for the Strangeness of Things


There’s No Accounting for the Strangeness of Things is a memoir written in the aftermath of a father’s death, exploring how his love, absence, deliriums, and ultimately, his mortality inform the trajectory of his daughter’s life. Follow Valley Haggard through her childhood with artists and alcoholics onto a dude ranch in Colorado, a farm in Arkansas, a cruise ship in Alaska, and finally back to her childhood home in Richmond, Virginia. Written in the style of flash non-fiction, the narrative arcs towards connection and meaning in a world torn apart and then stitched back together, even though, sometimes there is still no accounting for the strangeness of things

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There’s No Accounting for the Strangeness of Things is a memoir written in the aftermath of a father’s death, exploring how his love, absence, deliriums, and ultimately, his mortality inform the trajectory of his daughter’s life. Follow Valley Haggard through her childhood with artists and alcoholics onto a dude ranch in Colorado, a farm in Arkansas, a cruise ship in Alaska, and finally back to her childhood home in Richmond, Virginia. Written in the style of flash non-fiction, the narrative arcs towards connection and meaning in a world torn apart and then stitched back together, even though, sometimes there is still no accounting for the strangeness of things

There’s No Accounting for the Strangeness of Things is a memoir written in the aftermath of a father’s death, exploring how his love, absence, deliriums, and ultimately, his mortality inform the trajectory of his daughter’s life. Follow Valley Haggard through her childhood with artists and alcoholics onto a dude ranch in Colorado, a farm in Arkansas, a cruise ship in Alaska, and finally back to her childhood home in Richmond, Virginia. Written in the style of flash non-fiction, the narrative arcs towards connection and meaning in a world torn apart and then stitched back together, even though, sometimes there is still no accounting for the strangeness of things

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